COVID_19 Guidelines

On campus SOPs for students

In view of the declining number of cases of Covid-19 in Pakistan, the educational institutions have reopened  on Feburary 01, 2021, subject to strict adherence of SOPs.

Adoption of SOPs and related measures:

Even though there has been a reduction in the Covid-19 cases at present, it is by no means over. It is reiterated that any carelessness on our part is likely to cause it to spread rapidly. It is imperative that we take appropriate preventative measures. Reopening of educational institutes carry a high risk of spread and all students are, therefore, requested to strictly abide by the following guidelines.

General guidelines for safety and hygiene in public spaces:

  • Frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizers are recommended. Students are encouraged to make use of sanitizers placed around the campuses and sanitize their hands frequently.
  • All kinds of physical contact – hugging, high fives and shaking hands must be avoided.
  • Maintain a physical distance of 3-6 feet with other individuals.
  • Keep your face covered at crowded places.
  • Do not share food and drinks.

While entering the campus:

  • Entry to either of the campuses without a face mask will be denied.
  • Avoid entering in groups. Students entering on foot should maintain a distance of 3-6 feet with one another.

For Classrooms, Cafeteria, Prayer Area, Student Centre, and Library:

  • Removal of mask is permitted only for the duration of meals, but it must be put back on soon after the meal is over.
  • If the cafeteria is at full capacity, students must not try and enter. They must wait patiently for their turn to enter or use another cafeteria.
  • Students must avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces as much as possible. Immediately after adjusting their chairs or tables before eating their meals, students are requested to sanitize their hands.
  • Do not crowd inside the Prayer Area.
  • All students must respect seating arrangements at every location in the department.