BE Textile Engineering ( Batch 2019 Onwards)

The Department offers a 4 year program leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Textile Engineering.

This is a regular full time day programme and the instructional programme and examinations system of the University are based on the Semester System.

Medium of instruction in all courses and laboratories is English.

Practical Viva-Voice Examinations are held along with the Theory Examination by the Department where practical work forms part of the curriculum.

The course titles assigned to the courses of studies for B.E. degree programmes prescribed by the university are represented through mixed notations which consists of an abbreviation for the teaching department offering the course followed by a three digit number.

Abbreviations used for teaching departments offering courses:

CE    Civil Engineering
ME    Mechanical Engineering
IM    Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
EE    Electrical Engineering
CIS    Computers & Information Systems Engineering
EL    Electronic Engineering
TC    Telecommunication Engineering
TE    Textile Engineering
MB    Mathematics & Basic Sciences
CS    Computer Science
HS    Humanities


For detailed course outlines of the Textile courses view the Syllabus